November 2022

The Choral Muse: Voice of reflection, feeling & emotion


5 pm Sunday, November 13, 2022
University Lutheran Church
66 Winthrop Street
Cambridge, MA

5 pm Sunday, November 20, 2022
First Lutheran Church of Boston
299 Berkeley Street
Boston, MA

Director Walter Chapin leads Oriana’s 18 a cappella voices in a wide variety of period and modern choral works that communicate joy, ecstacy, tragedy, loss, yearning, apprehension, acceptance, and devotion -- by Kevin Allen, Guillaume Dufay, Reena Esmail, Herbert Howells, Cecilia MacDowall, Luca Marenzio, Robert Schumann, John Wilbye, and Ralph Vaughan Williams.


Luca Marenzio (1553-1599) Leggiadre ninfe

John Wilbye (1574-1638) Weep, weep, mine eyes

Cecilia McDowall (1951-) Be not afeard, from Shakespeare’s Tempest

Reena Esmail (1983-) TaReKiTa

Kevin Allen Jesu dulcis memoria (2015)

Guillaume Dufay (1397-1474) Gloria ad modum tubae

Robert Schumann (1810-1856) Die Kapelle

Herbert Howells (1892-1983) Missa Sine nomine (Mass in the Dorian Mode)